      2、在终端运行“”文件会自动将HTR文件安装到/usr/bin文件夹下。如果安装成功,输入:“htr”(或者“htr -h”) 会出现帮助文档。
      注:如您发现有bug请联系作者喲(^U^)ノ~YO 不胜感激。

Instructions for HTR beta:
      1. HTR is an algorithm developed based on Java language. The Java virtual machine (JDK) is necessary for the execution of the HTR program. Please install JDK before the execution of HTR program. The jdk1.8 and above version is recommended.
      2. Running the "makefile. sh" in the Termimal will automatically install the HTR file into “/usr/bin”. If the HTR is successfully installed, execute the command “htr -h” (or “htr”) and you will get the help information.
      3. The output results can be found in the folder where the specified trajectory file is located, and the output folder has the same name as the trajectory file. The “Numofcages” folder includes the results of the number of cages of each type in each frame, of which 0.txt indicates the number of cages in frame 0 file. The file of “output.cage” is a summary of the number of several common cages.
      4. The three numbers in 0-12-0 represent the number of 4, 5 and 6-membered rings in the cage from left to right, e.g., 0-12-0 represents sI type 5_12 cages.
      Note: if you find a bug, please contact the author (^ u ^) yo ~ yo. Thank you very much. email: